Organic Computing

In Memoria Rolf Würtz

We mourn the loss of Rolf Würtz, our colleague and friend, who directed the research group Organic Computing at the INI. Early on Saturday, December 1, 2018, Rolf succumbed to an intense illness that cut his life short. 

Rolf had been a member of the INI for over two decades. He studied mathematics in Heidelberg, spent two years at the Max Planck Institut for Brain Research in Frankfurt before joining the INI in 1990, where he obtained his doctorate in Physics under the guidance of Professor von der Malsburg. After a two-year postdoc at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Groningen, he re-joined the INI as a faculty member in 1997. Rolf was a Privatdozent of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, a faculty member of the International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN) at RUB, and a driving force behind the inter-faculty degree program Angewandte Informatik (AI).

Rolf’s research focused on neural methods in computer vision, in particular, for object and face recognition. He was also interested in more general questions of self-organization in distributed intelligent systems and engaged in applying neurally inspired technology in collaboration with medical researchers and with partners from industry. 

Rolf was a very engaged teacher, whose course on Artificial Neural Networks was the entry portal to neural computation for students from many different degree programs. He supervised a record number of Master- and Bachelor thesis projects, organized study projects, and taught two seminars every semester that provided the first contact with original research publications for many students.

Rolf’s unhesitating willingness to take on responsibility made him a much sought after member of committees. He supported the administration of the INI as deputy director, was an engaged member of the study commission of the IGSN, and played an important role in managing the AI program.

We will miss Rolf intensely. Our thoughts go to his family. 


  • Self-improving System Integration – Status and Challenges After Five Years of SISSY
    Bellman, K., Botev, J., Diaconescu, A., Esterle, L., Gruhl, C., Landauer, C., et al.
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (pp. 160–167)
  • Organic Face Graph Classification
    Nilkens, A.
    In S. Tomforde & Sick, B. (Eds.), Organic Computing: Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium 2017 (Vol. 11, pp. 79–92) kassel university press GmbH
  • Unsupervised Acquisition of Human Body Models
    Walther, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    Cognitive Systems Research, 47, 68–84
  • Interactive Learning Without Ground Truth
    Würtz, R. P., Tomforde, S., Calma, A., Kottke, D., & Sick, B.
    In S. Tomforde & Sick, B. (Eds.), Organic Computing: Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium 2017 (Vol. 11, p. II.1–II.4) kassel university press GmbH
  • 2017

  • Unsupervised Acquisition of Human Body Models using Principles of Organic Computing
    Walther, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    ArXiv e-prints
  • Cue Integration by Similarity Rank List Coding — Application to Invariant Object Recognition
    Grieben, R., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (pp. 132–137)
  • 2016

  • Phase based forgery detection of JPEG anti forensics
    Fahmy, G., & Wurtz, R.
    In Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), 2016 IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 144–149) IEEE
  • "Self-Improving System Integration" – Preface for the SISSY′16 Workshop
    Tomforde, S., Rudolph, S., Bellman, K., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proc. ICAC (p. 275)
  • An Organic Computing Perspective on Self-Improving System Interweaving at Runtime
    Tomforde, S., Rudolph, S., Bellman, K., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proc. ICAC (pp. 276–284)
  • 2015

  • Phase based detection of JPEG counter forensics
    Fahmy, G., Alqallaf, A., & Wurtz, R.
    In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS) (pp. 37–40)
  • A smartphone-controlled autonomous robot
    Bodenstein, C., Tremer, M., Overhoff, J., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Zhangjiajie, China, Aug. 15-17 (pp. 2360–2367)
  • Reconstruction of Images from Gabor Graphs with Applications in Facial Image Processing
    Günther, M., Böhringer, S., Wieczorek, D., & Würtz, R. P.
    International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 13(4), 1550019-1–25
  • Automatic face classification in Cushing′s syndrome and acromegaly: Review, current results and future perspectives
    Kosilek, R. P., Frohner, R., Würtz, R. P., Berr, C. M., Schopohl, J., Reincke, M., & Schneider, H. J.
    European Journal of Endocrinology, 173(4), M39–M44
  • 2014

  • Classification and visualization based on derived image features: application to genetic syndromes
    Balliu, B., Würtz, R. P., Horsthemke, B., Wieczorek, D., & Böhringer, S.
    PLOS One, 9(11), e109033
  • "Self-Improving System Integration" – Preface for the SISSY14 Workshop
    Bellman, K., Tomforde, S., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proc. SASO, London (p. 122) IEEE
  • Interwoven Systems: Self-improving Systems Integration
    Bellman, K., Tomforde, S., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proc. SASO, London (pp. 123–127) IEEE
  • Spiking network simulations
    Krause, T. U., Schrör, P. Y., & Würtz, R. P.
    In B. Hammer, Martinetz, T., & Villmann, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of New Challenges in Neural Computation, Münster (pp. 14–15)
  • Learning of invariant object recognition from temporal correlation in a hierarchical network
    Lessmann, M., & Würtz, R. P.
    Neural Networks, 54, 70–84
  • Online Learning of Invariant Object Recognition in a Hierarchical Neural Network
    Lessmann, M., & Würtz, R. P.
    In S. Wermter, Weber, C., Duch, W., Honkela, T., Koprinkova-Hristova, P., Magg, S., et al. (Eds.), Proc. ICANN (pp. 427–434) Springer
  • Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
    Wiskott, L., Würtz, R. P., & Westphal, G.
    Scholarpedia, 9, 10587
  • 2013

  • Optimierung der Gesichtsklassifikation bei der Erkennung von Akromegalie
    Frohner, R., Würtz, R. P., Kosilek, R. P., & Schneider, H. J.
    Austrian Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 6(3), 20–24
  • Automatic face classification of Cushing’s syndrome in women - A novel screening approach
    Kosilek, R. P., Schopohl, J., Grünke, M., Dimopoulou, C., Stalla, G. K., Lammert, A., et al.
    Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes
  • Learning invariant face recognition from examples
    Müller, M. K., Tremer, M., Bodenstein, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    Neural Networks, 41, 137–146
  • 2012

  • Unsupervised Learning of Face Detection Models from Unlabeled Image Streams
    Walther, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    In A. Brömme & Busch, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (Vol. P-196, pp. 221–231) Bonn: Köllen
  • Lernen situationsunabhängiger Personenerkennung
    Müller, M. K., Tremer, M., Bodenstein, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    Informatikspektrum, 35(2), 112–118
  • 2011

  • Genetic determination of the human facial shape: links between cleft-lips and normal variation
    Böhringer, S., van der Lijn, F., Liu, F., Sinigerova, S., Birnbaum, S., Mangold, E., et al.
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 19, 1192–1197
  • A novel approach for the detection of acromegaly: accuracy of diagnosis by automatic face classification
    Schneider, H. J., Kosilek, R. P., Günther, M., Schopohl, J., Römmler, J., Stalla, G. K., et al.
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 96(7), 2074–2080
  • Learning to Look at Humans
    Walther, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    In C. Müller-Schloer, Schmeck, H., & Ungerer, T. (Eds.), Organic Computing - a Paradigm Shift for Complex Systems (pp. 309–322) Springer
  • 2010

  • Evolutionary Optimization of Growing Neural Gas Parameters for Object Categorization and Recognition
    Donatti, G. S., Lomp, O., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proc. IJCNN (pp. 1862–1869) IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA
  • Two kinds of statistics for better face recognition
    Günther, M., Müller, M. K., & Würtz, R. P.
    In T. E. Simos, Psihoyios, G., & Tsitouras, C. (Eds.), Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, International Conference (pp. 1901–1904) American Institute of Physics
  • Learning Generic Human Body Models
    Walther, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    In F. J. Perales & Fisher, R. B. (Eds.), Proc. Sixth Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (pp. 98–107) Springer
  • Editorial: Special Issue on Organic Computing
    Würtz, R. P., Bellman, K. L., Schmeck, H., & Igel, C.
    ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 5(3), 1–3
  • 2009

  • Using Growing Neural Gas Networks to represent visual object knowledge
    Donatti, G. S., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (pp. 54–58) IEEE Computer Society, Newark, NJ
  • Face Detection and Recognition Using Maximum Likelihood Classifiers on Gabor Graphs
    Günther, M., & Würtz, R. P.
    International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 23(3), 433–461
  • Learning from Examples to Generalize over Pose and Illumination
    Müller, M. K., & Würtz, R. P.
    In C. Alippi, Polycarpou, M., Panayiotou, C., & Ellinas, G. (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2009 (Vol. 5769, pp. 643–652) Springer
  • Unsupervised learning of human body parts from video footage
    Walther, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    In Proceedings of ICCV workshops, Kyoto (pp. 336–343) IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA
  • Combining Feature- and Correspondence-Based Methods for Visual Object Recognition
    Westphal, G., & Würtz, R. P.
    Neural Computation, 21(7), 1952–1989
  • Combining Feature- and Correspondence-Based Methods for Visual Object Recognition
    Westphal, G., & Würtz, R. P.
    Neural Computation, 21(7), 1952–1989
  • 2008

  • Self-organized evaluation of dynamic hand gestures for sign language recognition
    Krüger, M., von der Malsburg, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    In R. P. Würtz (Ed.), Organic Computing (pp. 321–342) Springer
  • Image Segmentation by a Network of Cortical Macrocolumns with Learned Connection Weights
    Lessmann, M., & Würtz, R. P.
    In M. Hinchey, Pagnonia, A., Rammig, F. J., & Schmeck, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing (BICC), Milano, Sep. 2008 (pp. 177–186) Springer
  • Impact of geometry and viewing angle on classification accuracy of 2D based analysis of dysmorphic faces
    Vollmar, T., Maus, B., Würtz, R. P., Gillessen-Kaesbach, G., Horsthemke, B., Wieczorek, D., & Böhringer, S.
    European Journal of Medical Genetics, 51, 44–53
  • Feature-driven emergence of model graphs for object recognition and categorization
    Westphal, G., von der Malsburg, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    In A. Kandel, Bunke, H., & Last, M. (Eds.), Applied Pattern Recognition (pp. 155–199) Springer
  • Organic Computing for Image Understanding and Robotics
  • Organic Computing
  • 2007

  • Fast image processing with constraints by solving linear PDEs
    Kusnezow, W., Horn, W., & Würtz, R. P.
    Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, 6(2), 22–35
  • Similarity rank correlation for face recognition under unenrolled pose
    Müller, M. K., Heinrichs, A., Tewes, A. H. J., Schäfer, A., & , R. P. W.
    In S. -W. Lee & Li, S. Z. (Eds.), Advances in Biometrics (pp. 67–76) Springer
  • Organic Computing for Video Analysis
    Würtz, R. P.
    In A. König, Köppen, M., Abraham, A., Igel, C., & Kasabov, N. (Eds.), Seventh International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Kaiserslautern, Germany (pp. 6–11) IEEE Computer Society Press
  • 2006

  • A sequence-encoding neural network for face recognition
    Barwiṅski, M., & Würtz, R. P.
    In M. Verleysen (Ed.), Proceedings of ESANN, Bruges, Belgium (pp. 635–640) d-side publications, Evere, Belgium
  • Syndrome identification based on 2D analysis software
    Böhringer, S., Vollmar, T., Tasse, C., Würtz, R. P., Gillessen-Kaesbach, G., Horsthemke, B., & Wieczorek, D.
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 14(10), 1082–1089
  • Graphs with Principal Components of Gabor Wavelet Features for Improved Face Recognition
    Heinrichs, A., Müller, M. K., Tewes, A. H. J., & , R. P. W.
    In G. Cristóbal, Javidi, B., & Vallmitjana, S. (Eds.), Information Optics: 5th International Workshop on Information Optics; WIO′06 (pp. 243–252) American Institute of Physics
  • Supplementing Bundle Adjustment with Evolutionary Algorithms
    Heyden, L., Würtz, R. P., & Peters, G.
    In Proceedings of the IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering 2006 (VIE 2006) (pp. 533–536) Institution of Engineering and Technology
  • A sensor for dynamic tactile information with applications in human-robot interaction and object exploration
    Schmidt, P. A., Maël, E., & Würtz, R. P.
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 54(12), 1005–1014
  • Feature-driven emergence of model graphs for object recognition and categorization
    Westphal, G., von der Malsburg, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    In K. Bellman, Hofmann, P., Müller-Schloer, C., Schmeck, H., & Würtz, R. P. (Eds.), Organic Computing – Controlled Emergence Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
  • 2005

  • ARCS 2005 - System Aspects in Organic and Pervasive Computing - Workshops Procedeedings, Innsbruck Austria, March 14-17
    Brinkschulte, U., Becker, J., Fey, D., Hochberger, C., Martinetz, T., Müller-Schloer, C., et al.
    VDE Verlag, Berlin, Offenbach
  • A flexible object model for recognising and synthesising facial expressions
    Tewes, A., Würtz, R. P., & von der Malsburg, C.
    In T. Kanade, Ratha, N., & Jain, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication (pp. 81–90) Springer
  • Organic Computing methods for face recognition
    Würtz, R. P.
    it - Information Technology, 47(4), 207–211
  • 2004

  • Communicating agents architecture with applications in multimodal human computer interaction
    Krüger, M., Schäfer, A., Tewes, A., & Würtz, R. P.
    In P. Dadam & Reichert, M. (Eds.), Informatik 2004 (Vol. 2, pp. 641–645) Gesellschaft für Informatik
  • Face Authentication Test on the BANCA Database
    Messer, K., Kittler, J., Sadeghi, M., Hamouz, M., Kostin, A., Cardinaux, F., et al.
    In Proceedings of ICPR 2004, Cambridge (Vol. 4, pp. 523–532)
  • Aktuelles Schlagwort: Organic Computing
    Müller-Schloer, C., von der Malsburg, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    Informatik Spektrum, 27(4), 332–336
  • Fast object and pose recognition through minimum entropy coding
    Westphal, G., & Würtz, R. P.
    In 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), Cambridge (Vol. 3, pp. 53–56) IEEE Press
  • Image Representation by Complex Cell Responses
    Wundrich, I. J., von der Malsburg, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    Neural Computation, 16(12), 2563–2575
  • Organic Computing for face and object recognition
    Würtz, R. P.
    In P. Dadam & Reichert, M. (Eds.), Informatik 2004 (Vol. 2, pp. 636–640) Gesellschaft für Informatik
  • 2003

  • Computer-based recognition of dysmorphic faces
    Loos, H. S., Wieczorek, D., Würtz, R. P., von der Malsburg, C., & Horsthemke, B.
    European Journal of Human Genetics, 11, 555–560
  • Extraction and Matching of Symbolic Contour Graphs
    Lourens, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 17(7), 1279–1302
  • Learning the Gestalt Rule of Collinearity from Object Motion
    Prodöhl, C., Würtz, R. P., & von der Malsburg, C.
    Neural Computation, 15(8), 1865–1896
  • European Patent Number: EP 1 142 118 B1 Tastsensor
    Schmidt, P., Maël, E., & Würtz, R. P.
    Europäisches Patentamt, München
  • US Patent Number: 6 593 756 Tactile sensor
    Schmidt, P., Maël, E., & Würtz, R. P.
    United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • Conference Report: 4th Workshop on Dynamic Perception
    Würtz, R. P.
    KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 17(2), 38
  • 2002

  • Dynamic Perception
    Würtz, R. P., & Lappe_(eds.), M.
    infix Verlag/IOS press, Berlin, Amsterdam
  • Statistical Learning of the Detection of Faces in Natural Images
    Heinrichs, A., Eckes, C., Würtz, R. P., & von der Malsburg, C.
    In R. P. Würtz & Lappe, M. (Eds.), Dynamic Perception (pp. 265–270) infix Verlag/IOS press
  • Macrocolumns as decision units
    Lücke, J., von der Malsburg, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    In International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (pp. 57–62) Springer
  • Gabor-based Feature Point Tracking with Automatically Learned Constraints
    Wieghardt, J., Würtz, R. P., & von der Malsburg, C.
    In R. P. Würtz & Lappe, M. (Eds.), Dynamic Perception (pp. 121–126) infix Verlag/IOS press
  • Learning the Topology of Object Views
    Wieghardt, J., Würtz, R. P., & von der Malsburg, C.
    In A. Heyden, Sparr, G., Nielsen, M., & Johansen, P. (Eds.), Computer Vision - ECCV 2002 (p. IV-747-IV-760) Springer
  • Image Reconstruction from Gabor Magnitudes
    Wundrich, I. J., von der Malsburg, C., & Würtz, R. P.
    In H. H. Bülthoff, Lee, S. -W., Poggio, T. A., & Wallraven, C. (Eds.), Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (pp. 117–126) Springer
  • Face Recognition, Neurophysiology, and Neural technology
    Würtz, R. P.
    In M. A. Arbib (Ed.), The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks (2.nd ed., pp. 434–437) MIT Press
  • Technik und Leistungsfähigkeit automatischer Gesichtserkennung
    Würtz, R. P.
    FIfF-Kommunikation, 19(1), 27–30
  • Vision and Touch for Grasping
    Würtz, R. P.
    In G. D. Hager, Christensen, H. I., Bunke, H., & Klein, R. (Eds.), Sensor Based Intelligent Robots (pp. 74–86) Springer
  • 2001

  • Efficient evaluation of serial sections by iterative Gabor matching
    König, P., Kayser, C., Bonin, V., & Würtz, R. P.
    Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 111(2), 141–150
  • Gabor phase space molecules for image understanding
    Würtz, R. P.
    In I. Wundrich (Ed.), The Mathematical, Computational and Biological Study of Vision (p. 23)
  • 2000

  • Gossiping Nets
    Würtz, R. P.
    Artificial Intelligence, 119(1-2), 295–299
  • Corner detection in color images through a multiscale combination of end-stopped cortical cells
    Würtz, R. P., & Lourens, T.
    Image and Vision Computing, 18(6-7), 531–541
  • 1999

  • GripSee: A Gesture-controlled Robot for Object Perception and Manipulation
    Becker, M., Kefalea, E., Maël, E., von der Malsburg, C., Pagel, M., Triesch, J., et al.
    Autonomous Robots, 6(2), 203–221
  • An Integrated Object Representation for Recognition and Grasping
    Kefalea, E., Maël, E., & Würtz, R. P.
    In L. C. Jain (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, Adelaide, Australia (pp. 423–426) IEEE Press
  • Neural networks as a model for visual perception: what is lacking?
    Würtz, R. P.
    Cognitive Systems, 5(2), 103–112
  • On the performance of neuronal matching algorithms
    Würtz, R. P., Konen, W., & Behrmann, K. -O.
    Neural Networks, 12(1), 127–134
  • 1998

  • Object Recognition by matching symbolic edge graphs
    Lourens, T., & Würtz, R. P.
    In R. Chin & Pong, T. -C. (Eds.), Computer Vision – ACCV′98 (Vol. 1352, p. II-193 - II-200) Springer Verlag
  • Biologically Inspired Methods for Model Matching and Object Recognition
    Würtz, R. P.
    In Y. Sawada (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd R.I.E.C. International Symposium on Design and Architecture of Information Processing Systems Based on the Brain Information Principles, in Sendai, Japan, March 16-18, 1998 (pp. 101–106)
  • 1997

  • Tracking Facial Feature Points with Gabor Wavelets and Shape Models
    McKenna, S. J., Gong, S., Würtz, R. P., Tanner, J., & Banin, D.
    In J. Bigün, Chollet, G., & Borgefors, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Audio- and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication (Vol. 1206, pp. 35–42) Springer
  • Context dependent feature groups, a proposal for object representation
    Würtz, R. P.
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 20(4), 702–703
  • Neuronal theories and technical systems for face recognition
    Würtz, R. P.
    In M. Verleysen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth European Symposium On Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges (Belgium), 16-18 April 1997 (pp. 73–78) D facto, Brussels
  • Object recognition robust under translations, deformations and changes in background
    Würtz, R. P.
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(7), 769–775
  • Corner detection in color images by multiscale combination of end-stopped cortical cells
    Würtz, R. P., & Lourens, T.
    In W. Gerstner, Germond, A., Hasler, M., & Nicoud, J. -D. (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN ′97 (Vol. 1327, pp. 901–906) Springer Verlag
  • 1996

  • How fast can neuronal algorithms match patterns?
    Würtz, R. P., Konen, W., & Behrmann, K. -O.
    In C. von der Malsburg, Vorbrüggen, J. C., von Seelen, W., & Sendhoff, B. (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 96 (Vol. 1112, pp. 145–150) Springer Verlag
  • 1995

  • Patent Nummer 4406020: Verfahren zur automatisierten Erkennung von Objekten
    Konen, W., Vorbrüggen, J. C., & Würtz, R. P.
    Deutsches Patentamt, München
  • Multilayer Dynamic Link Networks for Establishing Image Point Correspondences and Visual Object Recognition
    Würtz, R. P.
    (p. 155) Thun, Frankfurt am Main: Verlag Harri Deutsch
  • Building Visual Correspondence Maps—From Neuronal Dynamics To A Face Recognition System
    Würtz, R. P.
    In In Proceedings of the International Conference on Brain Processes, Theories and Models
  • 1994

  • Image Point Correspondences from a Wavelet Representation and a Hierarchical Dynamic Link Network
    Würtz, R. P., & von der Malsburg, C.
    In T. Smithers & Moreno, A. (Eds.), The Role of Dynamics and Representation in Adaptive Behavior and Cognition (pp. 200–202)
  • 1993

  • Distortion Invariant Object Recognition in the Dynamic Link Architecture
    Lades, M., Vorbrüggen, J. C., Buhmann, J., Lange, J., von der Malsburg, C., Würtz, R. P., & Konen, W.
    IEEE Transactions on Computers, 42(3), 300–311
  • 1992

  • Gesichtserkennung mit dynamischen neuronalen Netzen
    Würtz, R. P.
    Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 18–22
  • Object Recognition with Gabor Functions in the Dynamic Link Architecture – Parallel Implementation on a Transputer Network
    Buhmann, J., Lange, J., von der Malsburg, C., Vorbrüggen, J. C., & Würtz, R. P.
    In B. Kosko (Ed.), Neural Networks for Signal Processing (pp. 121–159) Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
  • Neural Mechanisms of Elastic Pattern Matching
    Doursat, R., Konen, W., Lades, M., von der Malsburg, C., Vorbrüggen, J., Wiskott, L., & Würtz, R.
    In M. van der Meer (Ed.), Statusseminar des BMFT: Neuroinformatik (pp. 71–82) Projektträger Informationstechnik/DLR, Berlin
  • 1991

  • Recognizing Faces with a Transputer farm
    Lades, M., Vorbrüggen, J. C., & Würtz, R. P.
    In T. S. Durrani, Sandham, W. A., Soraghan, J. J., & Forbes, S. M. (Eds.), Applications of Transputers~3 (pp. 148–153) IOS Press; Amsterdam, Oxford, Washington, Tokio
  • Bilderkennung mit dynamischen Neuronennetzen
    von der Malsburg, C., Würtz, R. P., & Vorbrüggen, J. C.
    In W. Brauer & Hernández, D. (Eds.), Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz und kooperatives Arbeiten (pp. 519–529) Springer
  • A Transputer-based Neural Object Recognition System
    Würtz, R. P., Vorbrüggen, J. C., von der Malsburg, C., & Lange, J.
    In H. Burkhardt, Neuvo, Y., & Simon, J. C. (Eds.), From Pixels to Features II - Parallelism in Image Processing (pp. 275–294) North Holland, Amsterdam
  • 1990

  • A Transputer System for the Recognition of Human Faces by Labeled Graph Matching
    Würtz, R. P., Vorbrüggen, J. C., & von der Malsburg, C.
    In R. Eckmiller, Hartmann, G., & Hauske, G. (Eds.), Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers (pp. 37–41) North Holland, Amsterdam


  • A cascaded convolutional neural network for human pose estimation
    Al-Dilaimi, S.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Benzinpreisvorhersage mit rekurrenten Neuronalen Netzen
    Berner, L.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Training a `Connect Four′ agent with reinforcement learning
    Schmidt, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Deep Learning for Automated Container Transloading in Port Environments
    Althoff, T.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Lernen einer Spielstrategie für Minesweeper mittels Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Brosch, P.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Konzeption einer mobilen Enterprise-Lösung für die durchgängige Nachverfolgung von kritischen Bauteilen im Motorsport bei der Porsche AG
    Freundt, J. -N.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Bias Initialization for Convolutional Neuronal Networks
    Keil, L.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Cascaded Neural Networks for face matching
    Röttgers, R.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Schätzung von Objektumrissen mit Convolutional Neural Networks
    Sosna, S.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Recognition of Sound Samples Using Convolutional Neural Networks
    Külpmann, R.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Long Short-Term Memory zur Generierung von Musiksequenzen
    Dada, A.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2017

  • Tuning tiefer neuronaler Netze mit automatischen Parameter-Optimierern
    Kalus, C.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Material Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks
    Bulinski, P.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Pose Estimation by Regression Using a Convolutional Neural Network
    Dors, B.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Prozessoptimierung des Beschaffungsvorgangs von Hard- und Softwarekomponenten
    Stuhr, L.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • A Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Landmark Localization
    Famula, L.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Optimierung von Elastic Bunch Graph Matching zur präzisen Lokalisierung von Landmarken in Gesichtern
    Quatuor, I.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Entwicklung eines Tools zur Kalibrierung von Kameras an Hand von online Kartendaten
    Zarovinskyy, O.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Entwicklung einer plattformunabhängigen mobilen Anwendung mit Kopplung zu einem Versandystem
    Brüggenthies, M.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Mehrskalen Hough-Transformation zur Detektion von geraden Objektkanten
    Hachenberger, K.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Ein Homöostasemechanismus für gepulste neuronale Netzwerke
    Rio, R.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Dichter Fluss für Bewegungssegmentierung: Portierung und Evaluation von Flownet, EpicFlow und EPPM
    Bröcheler, C.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Reinforcement Learning für das Spiel Mühle
    Gunselmann, P.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Building a Simulated Environment for the Evaluation of Image Processing Algorithms in the Context of On-site Parking Guidance Systems
    Horn, D.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Entwicklung einer realitätsnahen und echtzeitfähigen virtuellen Kamera in der unreal Engine und Etablierung einer Schnittstelle zum Bildverarbeitungsframework YAF
    Pruß, B.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Unity-Implementierung eines autonom lernenden Nicht-Spieler-Charakters
    Vonk, D.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2016

  • Über das Verfolgen von Zellen in zeitabhängigen Aufnahmen
    Blachetta, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Unüberwachtes feuerzeitabhängiges Lernen in einem rekurrenten neuronalen Netzwerk
    Gergs, L. L.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Multiskalenextraktion von Polygonen aus Bildern
    Nguyen, T. V.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Mehrskalen Hough-Transformation zur Liniensuche in Bildern
    Popova, G.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Elastic Graph Matching für 3D-Punktwolken
    Reintjes, K.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Massive Parallelization of HOG-based Algorithms for Object Detection
    Malysiak, D.
    Doctoral thesis, Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • A Deep Convolutional Network for Facial Landmark Estimation
    Schrör, P. Y.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Implementation and Evaluation of Ensemble Support Vector Machines
    Kalinski, D.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Development of a WebSocket server for the pragma C++ library
    Freyth, A.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Visual Analysis of Natural Scenes
    Grieben, R.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Echtzeitfähige Personenerkennung mit einem Deformable Part Model unter Berücksichtigung von Verdeckungen
    Kippert, S.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Action Classification Using a Combination of Hough Voting and Random Forest
    Spata, D.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Memory Organization for Invariant Object Recognition and Categorization
    Donatti, G. S.
    Doctoral thesis, International Graduate School of Neuroscience, University of Bochum
  • Identitätserkennung mit situationsübergreifenden Ähnlichkeitsranglisten
    Temiz, C.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Spikefrequenzbandpassfilter zur Bildsegmentierung
    Körbler, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Training linear Support-Vektor-Maschinen mit einem Trust-Region Newton Algrothmus
    Marek, P.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Ein Multiagentensystem zur Extraktion polygonförmiger Konturen
    Schindler, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Optiblech
    Gunselmann, P., Lüke, K., Rio, R., & Schmidt, K.
    Study project, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Optiblech
    Hiller, N., Perschewski, M., & Nadrowski, T.
    Study project, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Deep Convolutional Networks
    Mielers, C. A., & Schrör, P. Y.
    Study project, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Lernen einer Spielstrategie
    Vonk, D., Will, D., & Sosna, S.
    Study project, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Erstellung einer Bibliothek in C++ zur automatischen Auswertung einer Tremor-Spirale
    Sangaré, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Ein spikendes neuronales Netzwerk zur Bildsegmentierung
    Will, D.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2015

  • Lokales Punktwolkenmatching zur 3D-Handgestenerkennung
    Czerner, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Spatio-Temporal Integral Channel Feature: Effiziente CPU-Implementierung im Viola-Jones Detection Framework
    Barowski, T.
    Master’s thesis, Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Tagging Like a User — Deriving Tags from Image Metadata
    Gierlings, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Echtzeit-Erfolgsprognose von digitalen Werbekampagnen und Segmentierung in eCRM-Systemen
    Nikolayczyk, T.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Synchronisation von Spikes zur Bildsegmentierung
    Röttgers, R.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Geolokationsbasierte Organisation von Medien auf Landkarten
    Wozniok, D.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Ensembles von Support-Vektor-Maschinen mit Budget
    Zhang, M.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Identifikation von Bild- und Layout-Strukturen in gescannten Dokumenten
    Stuhr, L.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Objekterkennung mit natürlichen Hintergründen
    Gladisch, A., Grieben, R., Schug, D., & Temiz, C.
    Study project, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Space Usage Rules
    Lembach, M., Gerntke, S., Tatara, M., & Wozniok, D.
    Study project, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Handgestenerkennung aus 3D-Punktwolken
    Zalecki, K.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2014

  • 3 dimensionale Routenerstellung für künstliche Kletterwände unter Verwendung von Wegfindungsalgorithmen
    Jandt, J.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Automated Analysis of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging of Perfusion in Brain Tumor Tissue
    Ritschel, K.
    Doctoral thesis, IGSN, Univ. Bochum
  • Development of a Smart Phone User Interface for a Sensor-based Car Park Routeing System
    Horn, D.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Digitale Nachbildung assoziativer Potenzierungsprozesse mittels memristiver Bauelemente
    Hernandez Guevara, E.
    Master’s thesis, Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Gabor-Wavelet-Based Corner Detection
    Mielers, C.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Implementierung einer Hough-Transformation für Liniensegmente
    Emmanuel, H.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Learning of invariant object recognition in hierarchical neural networks using temporal continuity
    Lessmann, M.
    Doctoral thesis, Physics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Analyzing Spike-Time Synchrony for Image Processing
    Schrör, P. Y.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 3D Gesture Control for Interaction with Embedded Devices
    Tendyck, C.
    Master’s thesis, Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Sicherheit in SAP-Systemen
    Dong, L.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Evaluation einer Evolutionsstrategie zur Optimierung unter Nebenbedingungen
    Vonk, D.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Analyse von Bewegungsmustern eines Tennisspielers durch videobasiertes Tracking der Fußpositionen
    Heitmeier, S.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Online-Anpassung von Lernraten im stochastischen Gradientenabstieg zum Training neuronaler Netze
    Sosna, S.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Graph Matching zur Identifikation von Lendenwirbeln in MRT-Aufnahmen
    Will, D.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Optimization of a graph memory for dynamic hand gesture recognition
    Schmitz, M.
    Master’s thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 3-D mesh model from surface point clouds and contours
    Bodenstein, C.
    ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Rate Coding and Temporal Coding in a Neural Network
    Krause, T. U.
    Master’s thesis, Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Estimation of a surface point cloud from cargo object images
    Tremer, M.
    Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2013

  • Registrierung von 3D-Ultraschall mit MRT- und CT-Daten für die navigierte Chrirugie
    Dekomien, C.
    Doctoral thesis, Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Models for correspondence finding and probabilistic representative learning
    Keck, C.
    Doctoral thesis, Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Spracherkennung für Lojban mittels Neuronaler Netze
    Pewny, J.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Empirische Analyse direkter randomisierter Suchverfahren mit variabler Metrik und Konvergenzgarantie
    Scheller, T.
    Bachelor's thesis, Applied Informatics, Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Erkennungssystem für Gesichter in neuen Situationen
    Vagedes, K.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Ein pulszeitbasiertes rekurrentes neuronales Netzwerk
    Aslan, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Anwendung von Ranglistenähnlichkeit auf altersunabhängige Personenerkennung
    Temiz, C.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Objektvermessung mit Berkeley Wavelet Transformation
    Tscheliesnigg, A.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Lokalisierung von Gesichtsmerkmalen unter Verwendung hierarchisch organisierter Modelle äquivalenter Substrukturen auf Gaborgraphen
    Behrenberg, C.
    Master’s thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Invariante Objekterkennung mittels Ähnlichkeitsranglisten
    Grieben, R.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Constraint Handling in Evolution Strategies Applied to Trajectory Planning
    Stamm, G.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Tracking eines Kalibriermusters zur automatischen Schätzung von intrinsischen Kameraparametern
    Wolff, E.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2012

  • Nutzung von Slow Feature Analysis in der Roboter-Navigation
    Hebing, P.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Angepasste Merkmalsextraktion für die Klassifikation von Ankern
    Alali, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Simulation einer memristiven Schaltung zur Sprachantizipation
    Hernandez Guevara, E.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • A neural classifier for visual wedge anchor recognition
    Orha, A.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Realisierung einer Finanzdatenbank mit PostgreSQL und Java
    Krause, P.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Robust Real-Time 3D Gesture Control for Mobile Devices
    Nguyen Xuan, V.
    Master’s thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • SIFT-Merkmale zur Korrespondenzfindung in Gesichtern
    Schmitz, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Visual classification of wedge anchors
    Nilkens, A.
    Master’s thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Statistical Gabor Graph Based Techniques for the Detection, Recognition, Classification, and Visualization of Human Faces
    Günther, M.
    Doctoral thesis, Computer Science, Univ. of Ilmenau, Germany
  • 2011

  • Human Motion Analysis Based on Organic Computing Principles
    Walther, T.
    Doctoral thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Theory and continuous time implementation of a spike time based neural network
    Bodenstein, C.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Robustness of a spike time based neural network for rank list evaluation
    Tremer, M.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Gabor phases for face classification
    Haufe, D.
    Master’s thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Auffinden interessanter Bildbereiche mit Hilfe der intrinsischen Dimensionalität
    Zalecki, K.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2010

  • Neural Dynamics on Graphs
    Lomp, O.
    Master’s thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Untersuchung der Struktur eines dynamischen sozialen Netzwerks
    Bick, J.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Lernen von Identitätserkennung unter Bildvariation
    Müller, M. K.
    Doctoral thesis, Physics Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Dynamische Kopfposenerkennung anhand statistischer Gesichtsmerkmale
    Behrenberg, C.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Integration von pragma und OpenCV mit Anwendung in automatischer Gesichtserkennung
    Störbeck, C.
    ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Einfluss der Graphenstruktur auf die Leistung eines Gesichtserkennungssystems
    Stratmann, B.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2009

  • Using Enhanced Tree Growing Neural gas networks to represent knowledge derived from artificial and real-world data
    Richter, M. M.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Mimikerkennung durch Graphenvergleich
    Sarial, A.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Analyse eines neuronalen Netzwerks zur Kodierung semantischer Relationen
    Fischer, S.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2008

  • Finding Optimal Parameters for Neural Gas Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms
    Lomp, O.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Untersuchung eines Netzwerks mit dynamischen Prozessen auf Robustheit
    Hemmer, H.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Implementierung von Partikel-Schwarm-Optimierung und Vergleich mit einer Evolutionsstrategie
    Melchior, J.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Konturenerkennung mit einem Modell kortikaler Makrokolumnen
    Lessmann, M.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. of Dortmund, Germany
  • 2007

  • Anbindung von Bildquellen unter Windows an die Bildverarbeitungsbibliothek PRAGMA
    Zibner, S.
    Bachelor's thesis, ET-IT Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Klassifikation statischer Handgesten
    Ulomek, F.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Untersuchung der Datenredundanz von Bündelgraphen zur Gesichtserkennung
    Malysiak, D.
    Diplomarbeit, University of Applied Sciences, Bochum
  • 2006

  • Integration einer merkmalsbasierten und einer korrespondenzbasierten Methode zur Klassifikation von Audiodaten
    Arentz, M.
    Diplomarbeit, Computer Science, Univ. of Dortmund, Germany
  • Konturmetrik als modellbasierter Term in der NURBS-Snakes-Zielfunktion
    Schmidt, N.
    Diplomarbeit, Computer Science, Univ. of Dortmund, Germany
  • 2005

  • Inkrementelle Akquisition von 3D-Objektmodellen
    Heyden, L.
    Diplomarbeit, Computer Science, Univ. of Dortmund, Germany
  • 2004

  • Parametrisierung von Mannigfaltigkeiten mit Anwendung in der Gesichtserkennung
    Wolff, C.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Computer Aided Face Recognition
    Maso, M. G., & Allerborn, A. A. C.
    Diplomarbeit, Argentine Technological University Rosario
  • Konturschätzung an bewegten Objekten
    Hagen, J. P.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • Finden von Punktkorrespondenzen zwischen Gesichtsbildern
    Müller, M.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2003

  • Korrespondenzbasierte Rekonstruktion von dreidimensionalen Strukturen aus elektronenmikroskopischen Bildern von neuronalem Gewebe
    von Laffert-Kobylinski, F.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 2002

  • Erweiterung eines auf Wavelets basierenden Erkennungsalgorithmus auf teilverdeckte Objekte
    Garstka, A.
    Diplomarbeit, University of Applied Sciences, Bochum
  • Anwendung und Implementierung einer komplexen Multiskalenanalyse zur Extraktion lokaler Bildmerkmale
    Terodde, S.
    Diplomarbeit, University of Applied Sciences, Bochum
  • 1999

  • Überwachtes Lernen qualitativer Lagebeziehungen aus visueller und sprachlicher Information
    Kleusberg, M.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. Bochum, Germany
  • 1998

  • Aufbau taktiler Sensoren für eine Roboterhand
    Schmidt, P.
    Diplomarbeit, Physics Dept., Univ. Bochum, Germany
  • Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruierbarkeit lokaler Bildmerkmale aus der Gaborwavelettransformierten
    Wundrich, I.
    Internal Reports Institut für Neuroinformatik Diplomarbeit, Electrical Engineering Dept., Univ. of Bochum, Germany
  • 1994

  • Matchen von Kantenbildern mit einem dynamischen Neuronennetz
    Rinne, M.
    Internal Reports Institut für Neuroinformatik Computer Science, Univ. Karlsruhe, Germany

The Institut für Neuroinformatik (INI) is a interdisciplinary research unit of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. We aim to understand fundamental principles that characterize how organisms generate behavior and cognition while linked to their environments through sensory and effector systems. Inspired by insights into natural cognitive systems, we seek new solutions to problems of information processing in artificial cognitive systems. We draw from a variety of disciplines that include experimental approaches from psychology and neurophysiology, theoretical approaches from physics, mathematics, and computer science, including, in particular, machine learning, artificial intelligence, autonomous robotics, and computer vision.

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